Best Boat Storage Options

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Best Boat Storage Options

Explore the pros and cons of various boat storage options, including dry stack storage at marinas, storage facilities, and home storage. Find the best solution to keep your boat safe and accessible year-round.

July 16, 2024
Cover image for the post Best Boat Storage Options

Alex Levy
Warranty Specialist

Boat owners have several options when it comes to storing their vessels, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. As an avid boat owner I’ve had the opportunity to try several different storage options depending on what type of boat I had at the time. Of course there are pros and cons to each and I’ve listed what I think are the main benefits and drawbacks to each.

1. Dry Stack Storage at a Marina


• Convenience: Dry stack storage offers convenience as the marina staff usually launch and retrieve your boat for you.

• Protection: Boats are stored in a covered facility or rack, protecting them from the elements, UV rays, and potential theft.

• Maintenance: Reduced exposure to water can lead to less hull maintenance and a cleaner boat over time.


• Cost: Dry stack storage tends to be more expensive than other storage options due to the convenience and added protection.

• Limited Access: Access to your boat may be restricted to certain hours or days, depending on the marina’s operating schedule.

• Availability: Popular marinas may have limited space, leading to waiting lists or difficulty securing a spot.

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2. Storage Facility


• Security: Many storage facilities offer gated access, surveillance cameras, and sometimes on-site security, providing good protection against theft.

• Flexibility You can usually access your boat whenever you need to, allowing for spontaneous outings.

• Cost: Typically more affordable than marina dry stack storage, especially for larger boats.


• Transportation: You are responsible for transporting your boat to and from the storage facility, which can be inconvenient and may require additional equipment.

• Exposure Depending on the facility, your boat may be exposed to the elements unless stored in a covered unit, potentially increasing maintenance needs.

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3. Home Storage with a Cover


• Cost-Effective: Generally the cheapest option as there are no storage fees beyond initial setup costs.

• Control: You have full control over your boat’s maintenance and can access it at any time.

• Personalization: You can customize storage and security features to your preferences.


• Space Requirements: Requires sufficient space on your property, which can be challenging for larger boats and may violate local zoning regulations.

• Maintenance: Depending on your location and cover quality, your boat may still be exposed to the elements, requiring more frequent maintenance.

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The best storage option for your boat depends on your specific needs and circumstances. If convenience and protection are top priorities, dry stack storage at a marina might be ideal despite the higher cost. If cost savings and accessibility are key, a storage facility could be a good compromise. Home storage offers the ultimate in control and cost-effectiveness but requires adequate space and attention to maintenance. Consider these factors carefully to ensure your boat remains safe, accessible, and well-maintained year-round. Ill see ya on the water.