My First Offshore Fishing Adventure: Chasing Mahi and Snapper

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My First Offshore Fishing Adventure: Chasing Mahi and Snapper

My first offshore fishing adventure took me 70 miles out to catch Mahi and red snapper, where I experienced the thrill of reeling in powerful fish and enjoyed the unforgettable beauty of the open ocean. This adventure left me eager for more offshore challenges and the joy of turning my catch into delicious Mahi fish tacos.

October 17, 2024
Cover image for the post My First Offshore Fishing Adventure: Chasing Mahi and Snapper

Alex Levy
Warranty Specialist

Last year, I was presented with an exciting opportunity: my very first offshore fishing trip. Up until then, I had only fished inshore, focusing on redfish and trout. So, the thought of venturing out to catch bigger fish had me buzzing with excitement. I was told to be at the dock by 4 AM, ready to help prepare the boat for departure.

Despite barely getting any sleep the night before, I arrived at the dock on time. The boat’s lights were already on, and everyone was busy prepping for the day—rigging bait, organizing fishing poles, and yes, loading donuts. Eager to pitch in, I grabbed some gear and helped get everything aboard.

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As we set off, it was about a 1.5-hour ride to the fishing grounds, nearly 70 miles offshore. The 352 Sportsman cut through the water smoothly, and with music playing in the background and coffee and Red Bulls in hand, we all settled into the journey. Halfway through, we paused to watch the sunrise—a stunning view with nothing but open water surrounding us.

When we finally reached the fishing grounds, the hunt was on. We searched for weed lines where Mahi were likely to be found. To my surprise, I was given the chance to take the helm and steer the boat while we waited for the first bite. It didn’t take long before the lines started tugging—first one, then another! It was my turn to reel in a fish. Under the guidance of the more experienced anglers, I got the hang of it. The power of these fish was amazing! When I finally brought the Mahi alongside the boat, I was blown away by its strength and beauty.

We spent the next few hours reeling in more Mahi, and I proudly wore the Mahi blood on my shirt as a badge of honor. Catching those fish was, without a doubt, the highlight of my fishing career, and it left me craving more offshore adventures.

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On our way back, we made a stop at a reef, and I even managed to catch a big red snapper, which was the perfect way to cap off an unforgettable day. When we returned to the dock, everyone pitched in to clean the boat, while Jim handled cleaning the fish. After 16 hours on the water, I was exhausted, but the experience had me hooked.

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A few days later, I grilled up the Mahi we had caught and turned them into delicious fish tacos. As I savored each bite, I relived the excitement of the trip. I can’t wait to get back out there and see what other adventures await!

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