Photo Contest Entry | Vitamin D day | Entry #PC1449

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Vitamin D day

Anchored on the South end of Long Island, Maine (Blue Hill Bay).
4 years ago
Submitted By
Patrick D.
Boat Owned
Heritage 241 Center Console
Long Island (West Of Acadia National Park), Maine
Entry Description
Anchored on the South end of Long Island, Maine (Blue Hill Bay).
Favorite Feature
What’s not to love? Great seaworthy hull for the unpredictable Maine coastal waters, but with plenty of creature comforts and a long list of standards that are options on other brands. A lethal striped bass slayer inshore, and big enough to run offshore on nice days. The 300 Yamaha provides plenty of power that allows me to cruise at 35 mph and top out at 50 mph. Picture taken just off the Long Island beach west of Acadia National Park, Maine.